samedi 15 mars 2014

18 - 改变之门 - The gate of change

This is a quote from the 7 Habits of highly effective people :

"No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or by emotional appeal."
Marilyn Ferguson

Méiyǒu rén huì shuōfú biérén

Wǒmen měi gèrén dōu shǒuzhe yī shàn (zhǐ néng cóng lǐbian dǎkāi de) (gǎibiàn zhī) mén.

我们不能打开别人的门 ,争吵 和 动之以情都没有用。
Wǒmen bùnéng dǎkāi biérén de mén, zhēngchǎo hé dòng zhī yǐ qíng dōu méiyǒu yòng.

Chengyu :

This one is based on ancient chinese, so you just have to learn by heart :

Dòng zhī yǐ qíng, xiǎo zhī yǐ lǐ
Emotionally moving, enlighten with reason

动 = to move
之 = here means a person
以 = using
情 = emotion

Components :

shuō fú
· to persuade
· to convince

· to guard

· particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress, like -ing ending

· (classifier for doors, windows etc)

扇子   shān zi
frequency of use: 80%, HSK: 6
· fan

gǎi biàn
· to change
· to alter

zhēng chǎo
· dispute
· strife

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